eBob 5.4

eBob 5.4

eBob - gather real-time inventory data from storage bins
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eBob Inventory Management Software is designed to help users gather real-time inventory data from storage bins. The eBob program works in conjunction with BinMaster SmartBob2 remote level sensors to provide measurement data to a personal computer. This bin measurement monitoring solution collects data from up to 100 vessels and allows for data to be viewed via LAN network connections by authorized users.
eBob software generates reports that can be used to increase operational efficiency and provide valuable real-time and historical data used for effective decision making.
eBob software helps customers more effectively manage bin levels without having to manually inspect and measure each bin, saving valuable time while optimizing bin levels and storage capacity. It provides for highly affordable inventory tracking for any size of operation using computer-based technology to provide detailed information.
Instead of “making rounds” to obtain manual readings, customers can log on to a personal computer, log-in using their unique password, and then view real-time data on their bins. It is easy to use and requires no special training or support.



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